Debbie Harry Salute Mosaic by Lynn Goldsmith 40x60" plexi mounted print

Debbie Harry Salute Mosaic by Lynn Goldsmith 40x60" plexi mounted print


Stunning Debbie Harry mosaic 40x60” plexi mounted print by Lynn Goldsmith. Comprising of 2000 images of Debbie Harry, all taken by Lynn Goldsmith.

How The Rock Mosaics are created:

2000  images are scanned from contact sheets of photographs made over a period of years on a certain artist and or their group. A main image is selected which represents the iconic elements of the music as well as the musicians.  The images are broken up into a grey scale and are then hand placed into the selected main image using a grid system created by the late artist Chuck Close.   Working from the upper left corner to the lower right, Lynn uses this technique to reflect on the notion that ART is WORK.    Photoshop is then used to lighten and darken selected areas.  The image  is NOT put together with a computer program. Each rock mosaic  takes a minimum of  2 weeks full time work to make.  

The Rock Mosaic, like the 'work'  that goes into each musician's career is often methodical with challenges.  It's impossible for any artist, musician, painter, writer,  to attain any success with their talent unless he, she, or they persist in a number of activities that appear not to be creative.  Lynn has spent time with these artists on the road, in the photo studio , the recording studio, and often their home. By using a variety of images made over a number of years, Lynn's process of creating the rock mosaic is a reflection of what it takes to become an iconic artist in the genre of rock and roll. 

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Mick Jagger Mosaic by Lynn Goldsmith 27x40" plexi mounted print

Mick Jagger Mosaic by Lynn Goldsmith 27x40" plexi mounted print

Linda 2.jpg Linda Ronstadt 1978 -1.jpg

Linda Ronstadt by Lynn Goldsmith, framed first print of the edition #1/20

Blondie 1.jpg Blondie by Lynn Goldsmith.jpg

Debbie Harry of Blondie by Lynn Goldsmith

Chuck Berry by Lynn Goldsmith, framed signed limited edition 16x20" print Chuck B 01.jpg

Chuck Berry by Lynn Goldsmith, framed signed limited edition 16x20" print

Patti Iran 1.jpg Patti Iran.jpg

Patti Smith 1975 Iran War Protest, framed first print of the edition #1/20
